"Now I could write a safecracker book that would beat every one, because at the beginning I would tell how I opened safse whose contents were bigger and more valuable than what any safecracker anywhere had opened-except for a life, of course-but compared to the furs or the gold bullion, I have them all beat: I opened the safes which contained all the secrets to the atomic bomb: the schedules for the production of plutonium, the purification procedures, how much material is needed, how the bomb works, how the neutrons are generated, what the design is, the dimensions-the entire informration that was known at Los Alamos: the whole schmeer!"
Forrás: Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!
Szótári definíciója a schmeernek: A number of things that go together; an aggregate.
Szóval itt a the whole schmeer kb. "az egész hóbelebanc" jelentéssel bír.